A new Manifesto for Media Education and Media Literacy is starting today.
The manifesto project is an attempt to develop a shared understanding, some shared reasons, for media education. We hope that by the end of the project (which will start life as a website and then result in a book) we will have a better, more sustaining understanding of the purpose of what we do and that we will be able to draw on this understanding to keep us on track in the classroom and in defending and advocating our subject in the future.
To kick-start the manifesto we asked a few media educators to provide us with their view on the purpose of media education (media studies/practice/production and media literacy). On the website you will find contributions from…
Henry Jenkins• Natalie Fenton
• David Gauntlett
David Buckingham•
Cary Bazalegette• Nik Powell
• Julian McDougall
• David Hesmondhalgh
Vítor Reia-Baptista• Nick Potamitis
This initial set of contributions is only a starting point and is not supposed to represent the breadth and depth of our subject. That’s where you come in…
We hope you will visit the website
http://www.manifestoformediaeducation.co.uk/ read the initial contributions, comment on those contributions and then write your own more lengthy rationale.