sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

Interactive Storytelling

From our colleague Nelson Zagalo, we got this Call for Papers:

CALL FOR PAPERS --- ICIDS - Interactive Storytelling 2009
2st International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling
09-11 December 2009, Guimarães Portugal http://www.icids2009.ccg.pt/

Submission Deadline: June 20, 2009

Interactive entertainment, including novel forms of edutainment,therapy, and serious games, promises to become an ever more importantmarket. Interactive Digital Storytelling provides access to social andhuman themes through stories, and promises to foster considerably thepossibilities of interactive entertainment, computer games, and otherinteractive digital applications. ICIDS also identifies opportunitiesand addressess challenges for redefining the experience of narrativethrough interactive simulations of computer-generated story worlds.Interactive Storytelling thus promises a huge step forward for games,training, and learning, through the aims to enrich virtual characterswith intelligent behavior, to allow collaboration of humans andmachines in the creative process, and to combine narrative knowledgeand user activity in interactive artifacts. In order to create novelapplications, in which users play a significant role together withdigital characters and other autonomous elements, new concepts forHuman-Computer Interaction have to be developed. Knowledge forinterface design and technology has to be garnered and integrated.Interactive Storytelling involves concepts from many aspects ofComputer Science, above all from Artificial Intelligence, with topicssuch as narrative intelligence, automatic dialogue- and dramamanagement, cognitive robotics and smart graphics. In order to processstories in real time, traditional storytelling needs to be formalizedinto computable models, by drawing from narratological studies, and bytaking into account the characteristics of programming. Consequently,due to its technological complexity, it is currently hardly accessiblefor creators and end-users. There is a need for new authoring conceptsand tools supporting the creation of dynamic story models, allowingfor rich and meaningful interaction with the content. Finally, thereis a need for theoretical foundations considering the integration ofso far disjunctive approaches and cultures.Before ICIDS, two European conference series had been serving as mainplatforms for these topics:
* ICVS (International Conference on Virtual Storytelling)
* TIDSE (Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling andEntertainment)While the venues of these events were traditionally bound to France and Germany, ICIDS is set to overcome also this geographicallimitation.
ICIDS 2009 will be held in the Centro Cultural Vila Flor, inGuimarães, Portugal, EU.
It is organized by the University of Minhoand the CCG Centro de Computação Gráfica, supported by severalpartners.We welcome research papers, case studies and demonstrations presentingnew scientific results, innovative technologies, best practiceshowcases, or improvements to existing techniques and approaches inthe multidisciplinary research field of interactive digitalstorytelling and its related application areas, e.g. games,virtual/online worlds, e-learning, edutainment, and entertainment.
Suggested research topics for contributions include, but are not limited to:
* Interactive Storytelling Theory
* Virtual Characters and Agents
* Environments and Graphical Effects
* Interactive Cinematography
* Design of Sound Interactivity
* Story Generation and Drama Management
* New Authoring Modes
* Narrativity in Digital Games
* Mixed Realities and Mobiles
* Tools for Interactive Storytelling
* Emotion Design for Interactive Storytelling
* Non-Visual Senses for Interactive Storytelling
* Social and Cognitive Approaches for Interactive Storytelling
* Semantic knowledge for Interactive Storytelling
* Real-time techniques for Interactive Storytelling
* Collaborative environments for Interactive Storytelling
* Evaluation and user experience reports
* Case studies and demonstrations

All submissions should follow the Lecture Notes in Computer Scienceformat (see “Information for LNCS Authors” at www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
Papers must be in English.Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered forreview. Submissions (of all categories) that receive high ratings inthe review process will be selected for publication by the programcommittee. They shall be published as Springer LNCS conferenceproceedings. For the final print-ready version, the submission ofsource files (Microsoft Word/LaTeX, TIF/EPS) and a signed copyrightform will be required.
Submission categories:
Full papers (8-12 pages in the proceedings)
Short papers (4-6 pages in the proceedings)
Demonstration and posters (2-4 pages in the proceedings)
For the submission and review process, we will use the Easychairconference management system.
June 20, 2009 Submission deadline (all categories)
August 20, 2009 Author notification of the review result
September 10, 2009 Submission of the print-ready version
December 9-11, 2009 ICIDS Conference Interactive Storytelling ‘09
A limited number of Student Volunteers will be granted free access tothe conference in exchange for helping with on-site organizationaltasks.
Details on application modalities will be published after thereviewing process.
***Co-Chairs: Ido Iurgel, Nelson Zagalo, Paolo PettaLocal Chairs: Pedro Branco & Rogério Silva(in construction)

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