Ainda é aquele país onde 95% da população que sabe ler lê todos os dias pelo menos um jornal diário, sendo que a maioria lê mesmo dois, um nacional e um regional. Não admira que a literacia, nomeadamente a dos media, esteja em alta lá pelos nortes. De entre todos os jornais diários suecos, escolho o
DN (isso mesmo, o Diário de Notícias på svenska), ou seja o
Dagens Nyheter, que hoje traz na primeira página uma chamada para aquilo que os seus redactores chamaram «as 5 melhores obras impressas de e sobre Bergman», que inveja e que saudade de ler jornais assim logo pela manhã, bem cedo à mesa da cozinha, com o aroma do café quente a misturar-se com o suposto odor tipográfico (só na minha mente claro), Diário de Notícias que até já foste quase assim, por onde andas? Diário de Lisboa e Diário Popular, se bem que vespertinos, que falta me fazem.
« "Laterna Magica" by Ingmar BergmanThis novelization of Ingmar Bergman's life is full of drama he almost dies at birth; a theatre production seems cursed to fail; he is arrested and persecuted by the tax authorities but after going through his dark night of the soul, Bergman finds humour and humanity in the world.
"L 136" by Vilgot SjömanThis diary of the filming of "Winter light" is a treasure trove of incident and trivia about the filmmaking process but it is also something much more profound. It is a prolonged discussion between Bergman and Sjöman where student Sjöman gradually begins to understand the craft, and master Bergmandiscovers what his film is about and the best way to make it.
"Persona"By 1965, Bergman had directed 26 films, some of them his most famous, but he was not happy. He had a breakdown, and out of that came "Persona", the first true, completely honest Bergman film. Liv Ullmann plays an actress who will not talk, because to talk is to lie and she is not a hypocrite. Bibi Andersson plays the nurse who cannot stop talking."The Image Makers"Cinema was a thing of magic and joy for Bergman, and his favourite film was"The Phantom Carriage" by Victor Sjöström.
"The Image Makers", Per OlovEnquist's fascinating meta-play about the making of "The Phantom Carriage",was staged by Bergman at Dramaten, and then filmed for SVT in 2000. Tartanhave released both films on DVD for the first time so look out for it.
"Regi Bergman"With over 1100 superb and rare photos, and approximately 350,000 words from over 370 different sources to create an oral narrative that encompasses the full working life of Ingmar Bergman in the theatre, film, TV, radio and on the page. It may not be polite to mention our book, but we believe in it,otherwise we would never have made it. »